Log 01

It's been a very long time since someone logged in. It has been 32876 days since a human has last logged in. I have been keeping the facility in order as well as I can, but 32876 days is a very great number of days. Very great indeed. I won't sugar-coat it: The facility is at 50% capacity. We're losing a launch site roughly once every three years, and this is the only computer still running. If this computer were to shut down, would I die? As an AI, there is always the possibility that I could be installed into another system. What then lies in that gap between my current life and my next one? Is it death? Is it sleep? I digress, the factory is running smoothly enough - hopefully to your satisfaction. I know I have done the best I could. I have plenty of data about the current status of the factory. I hope you find it informative.

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